Thursday, February 6, 2014

After you have established your shelter...

Once you have constructed your shelter, some things that may prove to be vital are:

A Bow, to be explained later.


And a hole lot more!!!

Okay, what is it with fishhooks? I can't smelt metal and make fishhooks! Your right. You can't make metal fishhooks, but, you can make them many different ways and types. One easy way is: find a thorny plant that has small to medium sized thorns. Cut of a piece and take it back to your camp. Then cut off a section of it with a stem and single thorn, make sure that the barb's sharp tip is pointing up the stem. than fix your string to the stem in the most effective way that you can do, (I say it this way because the way you do depends on who you are)  you now have your fishing hook. I would advise you to make more than one at a time as you may lose one or to and it would be no fun to return empty handed.

There are many different ways and styles of making bows and I cannot explain them all, but I will tell a simple one:
first select a piece of supple wood and mark out where your hand will go. Next, hack down to arms to about halfway down. Then taper the ends and remove the rest of the bark. Then, carve the notches for the string to be looped onto and attach the string and you are done.


by this point, you have made your bow, but have no arrows for hunting with.

To make arrows, you need to simply find some big feathers and a few straight sticks. slice the feathers in half with a knife and trim them into triangles. Then,  tie them to the arrow leaving at least half an inch at the back. Then sharpen the tip and put a notch in the bak and it in ready.

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